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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Grading and Drainage

    The City of Phoenix requires the review of grading and drainage plans for all construction projects both residential and non-residential. Grading and drainage plans are classified as civil plans and are reviewed under the civil plan review process. Additional information is listed below.

    Residential Single Family/Single Lot Only

    Single lot pertains to the development of one lot within a previously approved subdivision or an infill lot.

    Single lot pertains to the development of one lot within a previously approved subdivision or an infill lot. 


    Subdivision pertains to the creation of three or more lots on more than 2 1/2 acres.

    Grading and Drainage Plan Checklist

    Grading and Drainage Prelog - Commercial, Multifamily and Subdivisions

    Grading and Drainage Prelog - Plot Plan