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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    There are several financial mechanisms used by the City to develop infrastructure to accommodate growth that have important ramifications for developers:

    Impact Fees

    Impact fees pay for infrastructure and improvements necessary to accommodate new development and are usually specified in an infrastructure improvement plan. In certain circumstances, developers who build and finance new infrastructure and improvements on their own may earn credits which can be applied toward applicable impact fees. Impact fees may be reduced or offset by user fee or debt service revenue streams.​

    ​​​Water Resource Acquisition Fees

    Water Resource Acquisition Fees pay new development's proportionate share of the City's costs to provide water resources for new development. Fees are calculated by meter size and location of the proposed development within the city. Currently, the City is divided into two fee zones.

    Development Occupational Fees

    Like impact fees, water and sewer Development Occupational Fees are also designed to defray the costs of infrastructure improvements, but are charged when new development is connected to the water and wastewater systems.

    ​Repayment Agreements

    Repayments agreements between the City and developers allow developers and land owners that install oversized water or wastewater facilities to recoup a portion of their initial costs when other developers tie into the infrastructure at a later date.​

    There are numerous water and sewer related fees associated with development and construction. Depending upon the type of project, some fees may not apply.​ See the list below for specific fee types. 

    Construction Water Access Fee

    Development Occupational Fees

    Fire Hydrant Meter Fee

    Firelines/Wet Tap Fee

    Full Water Service Fee (Tap & Meter)

    Meter Only Fee

    Meter Relocation Fee

    Reduce Size of Meter Fee

    Sewer Fees

    Shutdown Fee

    Water Resource Acquisition Fees

    Water Tap Only Fee