Planning & Zoning Services

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Planning & Zoning Division's programs and services are geared toward an orderly physical development of the city. At the heart of these efforts are the Phoenix General Plan, the long-range guide for the city, and the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, which governs land use in specific zoning classifications and overlay districts. Select from the links below for additional information.

  • General Plan 2015 
    A General Plan provides the vision and policies that determine how a city will grow and develop. The Phoenix General Plan is the long-range guide for the city, and addresses issues such as energy, housing, neighborhoods, public facilities, natural resources, transportation and land use. The current General Plan was presented to and adopted by the voters in 2015.
  • General Plan Amendment
    Consistent amendment guidelines assure the General Plan will be a living, creative document which can adapt to changing conditions, community goals and urban development opportunities, while assuring stability for our neighborhoods and protecting investments.
  • Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Planned Community Development District (PCD)​

    The Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a zoning designation intended to create a built environment superior to that which is accomplished through conventional zoning districts and design guidelines.  The Planned Community District (PCD) is intended to be combined with all or any combination of the various zoning districts included within the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance and shall control the land use regulation otherwise permitted within the districts.

  • Planning Hear​ing O​fficer​ (PHO)​
  •  ​​​​​​​The Planning Hearing Officer (PHO) hears requests to delete or modify stipulations from approvals of rezoning requests and time extensions for conditionally zoned properties.
  • ​​​​Signs
    Planning and Zoning administers the Sign Ordinance, which can be found in Chapter 7, Section 705 of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. Select this link to learn about sign permits and the application process.
  • Text Amendments
  • Text Amendments (TAs) are the process used when changes are proposed in the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance.
  • Use Permits and Variances
    Find out how to request a use or deviation from a development standard.
  • Zoning​ and Rezoning
    Zoning is the principal tool by which the city of Phoenix implements the goals and future development plans expressed in the General Plan. Zoning regulations are intended to protect existing land uses and assure that uses are compatible with each other and with available public facilities and services. Through the rezoning process, land use and other factors are evaluated to determine the appropriateness of a specific rezoning proposal.