When you engage with your neighborhood, you create a stronger, more vibrant, and connected community where everyone feels valued and supported.
NSD is ready to assist in connecting you with your neighborhood!
Getting involved in your neighborhood is about creating connections, fostering a sense of belonging, and contributing to a better quality of life for everyone. Whether you’re attending local events, volunteering for community projects, or joining neighborhood associations, NSD has Neighborhood Specialists and programs to get you involved and engaged.
When you engage with your neighborhood, you create a stronger, more vibrant, and connected community where everyone feels valued and supported.
NSD is ready to assist in connecting you with your neighborhood!
Neighborhood Specialists serve as liaisons between residents and City Council, city services and programs, nonprofits, various community partners and members.
NSD's Volunteer Program, including Teen Volunteers Program, is a network of partners committed to maintaining safe, healthy neighborhoods by reducing blight.
It could get dirty but rewarding! NSD provides resources and expertise to assist neighborhood and Block Watch groups organize successful cleanup events.
Every 5 years, the city develops a Consolidated Plan based on community input to make informed decisions on how to allocate HUD grant funding.
We invite residents to learn more about the City of Phoenix and the services and programs it offers through a series of free workshops or hands-on training.
Join the Neighborhood Synergy Conference to connect, collaborate, and enhance your community. Discover strategies for neighborhood improvement.