48th Street - South of Baseline

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​Project Description

This project will widen 48th Street from Baseline Road to South Pointe Parkway to allow for the installation of sidewalks and new bicycle lanes. The west side of 48th Street will have new curb and gutter and sidewalks along the length of the project. A new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Baseline Road. This project will also install a new storm drain system and reconstruct the existing pavement.

This portion of 48th Street is currently a private road. The City of Phoenix entered into an agreement with Charles Schwab & Co. and the Pointe South Mountain Business Park Association to upgrade 48th Street and make it a public street from Baseline Road to South Pointe Parkway.

​Project Status

Construction is scheduled to be complete​d in early 2025. Remaining work includes:

  • Final pavement overlay of the intersection at Baseline
  • Activation of the left turn lanes
  • ​​Final striping and signage
  • Minor project clean-up​

​Project Highlights

  • New traffic signal at 48th Street and Baseline Road

  • New storm drain system

  • New bicycle lanes that extend the bike facilities that currently exist north of Baseline Road

  • New sidewalk on the west side of 48th Street

  • Improved pavement conditions

  • Conversion from private street classification to public street maintained by City of Phoenix

Project Area Map​

Map Showing Project Area from Baseline Road to South Point Parkway

​Project Contacts

Albert Granillo, Public Information Coordinator
Email: Agranillo@barnhartco.com 
Phone: 623-825-3444​

Edika Zarbroudi​, Project Manager
Phone: 602-262-6554
Email: edika.zarbroudi@phoenix.gov​

Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program
Title VI Notice to the Public and ADA Policy Statement

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department hereby gives notice that it is the agency's policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related statutes and regulations in all program​​​​​​​s and activities. These federal statutes require that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or service the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department administers. More information regarding the Title VI program can be found at Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program or email  STR Title VI Program.​​​