Grand Canalscape - Phase 3

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Project Ove​rview

Phoenix Breaks Ground on Grand Canalscape Phase 3

The Phoenix Street Transportation Department is continuing to improve the Grand Canal. 

Phase 3 of the Grand Canalscape project will transform the dirt path between 75th and 47th avenues into an improved concrete pathway, introducing a new route for commuting and recreating, with safe crossings where the trail crosses city streets. 

Salt River Project (SRP) operates the canal system and is collaborating with the city's Street Transportation Department on this project.

The Grand Canal area between 75th and 47th avenues accommodates pedestrian and bicycle use, so an improved Canalscape project will be a welcome recreation or commuting alternative to navigating nearby roadways. Improvements will be made along the north bank of the canal.​ SRP uses the south bank for operations and maintenance.

​The project will incorporate public art, landscaping and neighborhood access points to the path. 

Grand Canalscape Phase 3 will link neighborhoods with multiple schools, transit routes, churches, employers and entertainment venues such as American Family Fields of Phoenix (formerly Maryvale Baseball Park).

Community Outreach

Scroll down this page to view a video recording of the March 2021 and March 2022 virtual public meetings, as well as the project roll plot.​

​​​​Roll Plot: 75th Ave. to 47th Ave. (all four segments)​​​​​​​Segment 1:  75th Ave. to 67th Ave.Segment 2:  67th Ave. to 63rd Ave.​Segment 3:  63rd Ave. to 57th Ave.
Segment 4:  57th Ave. to 47th Ave.

Improvements Include:

  • Concrete pedestrian and bike pathway along the north bank
  • Signalized crosswalks where the path crosses existing streets
  • Lighting
  • Landscaping where possible

Other amenities may include seating areas, trash receptacles, pet waste stations, fitness stations or other infrastructure.

Phase 3 of the Grand Canalscape project will be similar to the Phase 1 and 2 projects that were completed in early 2020.​

Grand Canalscape Logo 

2025 Grand Opening

Save the Date for March 29, 2025 Grand Opening from 10 to noon

​Vir​tual Public ​Meeting Video
March 30, 2022

​Virtual Public Meeting Video
March 24, 2021​

Did you know?

Phoenix has more miles of canal than Venice and Amsterdam combined. It's true! Now, Phoenix is transforming the canals from essential water delivery passageways to vital recreation trails.

Grand Canalscape Fact Sheet (English/Spanish) July 2021

Experience a Similar Project

Phase 1 and 2 of the Grand Canalscape included similar improvements between Interstate 17 and where Phoenix borders the City of Tempe. 

Learn more:

​Map of Project Area

Grand Canalscape Phase 3 Map

Ride Along the Project Area


Woman Pushing Stroller on Grand CanalscapeBicycle Riders on Grand CanalscapePeople Walking on Grand Canalscape 

These are photos of the Grand Canalscape's first two phases, which officially opened in February 2020.​

​Project Timeline

  • Design was completed in summer 2023
  • Construction anticipated to be complete spring 2025​

Project Manager: Jason Ramirez​

Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program
Title VI Notice to the Public and ADA Policy Statement

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department hereby gives notice that it is the agency's policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related statutes and regulations in all program​​​​​​​s and activities. These federal statutes require that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or service the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department administers. More information regarding the Title VI program can be found at Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program or email  STR Title VI Program.​​​​