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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Right-of-Way Management

    The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department's Right-of-Way Management Office coordinates traffic control for temporary street closures and restrictions related to construction and maintenance projects, and special events and block parties.


    Contact Information:

    Phone: 602-262-6235, Monday to Friday (except observed city holidays)

    Office hours: 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


    Special Event Street Closure Request

    Phoenix's city streets are the site of dozens of annual festivals, runs, walks and parades. If you are interested in holding an event that is not a block party on a city street please note that the Special Event Application for Street Closures for Special Events must be submitted a minimum of 90 days before to the start date of the event. This will allow the Special Events Committee sufficient time to review the application.

    Block Party Street Closure Reques

    Phoenix's city streets are the site of many block parties every year. If you are interested in holding a block party on a city street, this is what you need to know: