Reduce the effects of heat, both indoors and out
Plan a pleasant environment for clients, customers and staff. Planting the right types of trees and plants can make your business stand out. Use hardy native plants that will thrive with minimal maintenance.
Choosing trees that provide shade will not only make the outside more pleasant in hot weather, but can reduce the total heat load on buildings by cooling the air and limiting direct insolation (solar impact). Studies have shown that the right combination of shade-giving vegetation can reduce power bills. Shade trees can also keep parked cars cool - something your customers will be thankful for.
The lists below provide some examples of Sonoran natives. Woody desert trees, like the Foothills Palo Verde, thrive with less water than high-water exotics.
Create your own shade and cooling with a native-Arizona tree
Shade and other trees
Blue Palo Verde
Parkinsonia florida
Feather Bush
Lysiloma microphylla v. thornberi
Foothills Palo Verde
Parkinsonia microphylla
Olneya tesota
Velvet Mesquite
Prosopis velutina
White Thorn Acacia
Acacia constricta
Use low-water native plants to enhance your landscape
Other plants
Encelia farinosa
Engelmann's Hedgehog
Echinocereus engelmannii
Simmondsia chinensis
Little-leaf Cordia
Cordia parvifolia
Fouquieria splendens
Purple Prickly Pear
Opuntia santa-rita
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