Police Body Worn Camera Program
The Body Worn Camera Unit was created to manage the existing camera program operating in the Maryvale Precinct and to prepare for the future program expansion. In 2013, the Phoenix Police Department deployed body worn cameras as part of a Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Smart Policing Initiative grant to evaluate body worn camera technology. The initial 56 body worn cameras, deployed in April 2013, were expanded to 85 cameras in conjunction with the department's October 2014 Patrol Reorganization. An additional 60 cameras were obtained through grant funds and General Fund monies have allowed for the deployment of a total of 150 body-worn cameras. Currently, over 2,000 body worn cameras have been deployed to patrol and numerous specialty details. As the program grows the BWC Unit continues to manage, identify, and make video data available while updating policy, developing curriculum and providing requisite training. The unit continues to build strong relationships with a variety of internal and external stakeholders to improve this valuable program in support of the department's commitment to reducing crime and strengthening the relationships between the police and the community.
Please contact Sergeant Jerad Perkins, jerad.perkins@phoenix.gov, for additional information.