- Communicative Liaison between businesses and the Police Department
- Resource for questions regarding safety and security for your business
- Perform a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment of your property
- We can attend your company's Health and Safety Fairs with educational brochures and pamphlets with an officer in attendance to answer questions from your staff and attendees
- We offer Educational Opportunities on a Variety of Topics such as:
- Workplace Violence Classes
- General Personal Safety and Security Awareness
- Safety for Seniors (Fraud, ID Theft, and Personal Safety)
- Safety Issues and more specific topics upon request
How can you help us?
1. Communication with the police
2. Assist the police in crime prevention
3. Information resource for police
4. Communicate any suspicious activities in and around our business
Find the most current crime statistics for your area
Interested in hiring off duty police for your business?
If you have requested the use of Phoenix Police Officers to work at your business in the capacity of security or traffic, a coordinator will be designated as a liaison officer between your business and the Phoenix Police Department to coordinate the needs of your business/event and fulfill the requirements of the city. The coordinating officer is either chosen from a rotating list of police officers who have expressed a willingness to perform this important function or they may be designated or recommended by you. This information is to inform you of the officer's scope of authority as it pertains to your business. View How to Hire an Off-Duty Police Officer for more details.
Related information
Small Business Fraud Prevention Manual
For more information:
Sergeant Charles Lambert #7523
Office 602-495-0440