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    Domestic Violence Support

    Many times it is difficult to know where to find help if you or loved ones are in a Domestic Violence situation. On this page you will find useful resources and services for victims, including hotlines, supporting victims, protective order and court information and more.

    NOTE: Computer usage can be monitored and may be impossible to completely clear your tracks. If you’re afraid your computer usage might be monitored, use a safer compute​r (see Tech Personal Safety), press ESC key or the circular EXIT button to quickly leave this page. Call a hotline on this page for help! You are not alone!

    Make a Call to Get Help!

    • Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Helpline: (602) 279-2900 or (800) 782-6400 This helpline can be called from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. An online chat option is also available. The Sexual and Domestic Violence Helpline and Chat provides support, information, and referrals about sexual and domestic violence as well as assistance navigating the legal system.
    • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: (303) 839-1852 or (303) 839-1681 (TTY)
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline: Even with COVID-19, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is still available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you are in an emergency situation please call 9-1-1 or check with DV programs and shelters in your area. For anyone affected by abuse and needing support p​lease call (800) 799-7233, or if you're unable to speak safely, log into or text LOVEIS to 22522. You are not alone. (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
    • National Network to End Domestic Violence: (202) 543-5566. A social change organization, that is dedicated to creating a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists


    National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE (4673)


    Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free. Confidential. 24/7. (800) 656-HOPE (4673)

    StrongHearts Native Helpline: (844) 762-8483 (7NATIVE) is a safe domestic violence and dating violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy daily from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Anonymous and confidential.


    City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center: (602) 534-2120. Mobile Victim Advocates are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mobile Victim Advocate Maryvale: (602) 647-5411; Mobile Victim Advocate South Phoenix: (602) 647-2662   

    City of Phoenix Police Department

    • If case of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1
    • Non Emergency/Crime Stop: (602) 262-6151
    • Request a copy of Police Reports: (602) 534-1127
    • Silent Witness: 480-948-6377 (WITNESS) or (800) 343-8477 (TIPS)


    Sexual and Domestic Violence while Social Distancing

    When home is unsafe …

    Social Distancing practices are meant to help us stay safe during a health crisis. But for some, home can be an unsafe place. Distancing from friends or coworkers may mean there is no longer a person to talk to when experiencing sexual or domestic violence.

    Children are home …

    When children are home, they may witness or hear harmful events which can be confusing or frightening.

    Facing economic changes  …

    Fears about loss of income may make survivors dependent on a person causing harm or hesitant to seek outside help for the unsafe situation.

    But there is help  …

    Resources are available to assist with emotional support, safety planning, Orders of Protection, a safe place to go and many other services. You are not alone. In case of an Emergency, please call 9-1-1. You can also call hotlines at top of this page.

    City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center

    The City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center Mobile Victim Advocate can respond on-scene at the request of Phoenix Police to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence and other violent crimes. Mobile Victim Advocates also take a leadership role in educating the community about the impact of violence at the request of community partners and community members.

    Contact Maryvale: (602) 647- 5411 or South Phoenix: (602) 647-2662. Advocates are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Who can meet with a Mobile Victim Advocate?

    • Victims and survivors
    • Friends, family, and other concerned individuals.
    • Agencies or community partners working with survivors

    Help that can be provided:

    • Assistance with Orders of Protection
    • Domestic and sexual assault shelter or safe placement and planning
    • Provide guidance on judicial process / court accompaniment
    • Victim rights notification
    • Assistance completing victim’s compensation claims
    • Liaison with Phoenix Police Family Investigation Bureau Detectives
    • A.R.S. 13-3318 Domestic Violence Early Termination of Lease Agreement
    • AZ Secretary of State address confidentiality program
    • Other victim service, referrals and resources provided 

    Other Regional Advocacy Centers:

    • Mesa Family Advocacy Center: (480) 644-4075. 225 E. 1st Street, Mesa
    • Glendale Family Advocacy Center: ​ (623) 930-3720. 4600 W. Glendale Avenue, Glendale  
    • Scottsdale Family Advocacy Center: (480) 312-6300. 10225 E. Via Linda, Scottsdale  
    • Southwest Family ​Southwest Family Advocacy Center: (623) 333-7900. Email:  
    • Advocacy Center Locator (Maricopa County Association of Government)


    Supporting Victims: What Can I Do If Someone I Know is Experiencing Sexual or Domestic Violence?

    Don't be afraid to let them know you are concerned for their safety.

    Tell them you see what is going on and you want to help. Help them recognize what is happening is not normal and they deserve a life free from violence.

    Acknowledge they are in a very difficult and scary situation.

    Let them know the abuse and/or assault is not their fault. Reassure them that they are not alone and there is help and support available.

    Be supportive.

    Listen to them. Remember it may be difficult for them to talk about the violence. Let them know you are available to help whenever they may need it. What they need most is someone who will believe and listen to them.

    Be nonjudgmental.

    Respect their decisions. Do not criticize their decisions or try to make them feel guilty. They will need your support even more during these times.

    If they end the relationship, continue to be supportive of them.

    Even though the relationship was abusive, they may still feel sad and lonely once it ends. They will need time to mourn the loss of the relationship and will especially need your support at that time.

    Encourage them to talk to people who can provide help and guidance.

    Find a local sexual assault or domestic violence program that they can connect with. If they have to go to the police, court, or a lawyer, offer to go with them for moral support.

    Remember that you cannot "rescue" them.

    Although it is difficult to see someone you care about get hurt, ultimately, they have to be the one to decide what they need to do and when.

    Discuss safety concerns with them.

    Remember that a survivor knows their situation best. It's important to talk with them about how to access resources for identifying safety plans. You may have ideas about what they should do but it's important that youallow them to make their own choices.

    Information courtesy the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence


    Online Resources Email Hotline: If you have legal questions related to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, this is a safe, anonymous service provide by National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)’s WomensLaw project in English or Spanish. A lawyer will respond to you within 1 to 5 business days with legal information, support, and referrals, as needed. Email may not be a safe form of communication if you believe that your computer or phone may be monitored by the abusive person. In that case, please call Get Help! Phone numbers below.

    Tech Personal Safety: Stay safe online! Anyone with access to your accounts or devices with personal information can potentially access your phone, tablet, email, social media, and other accounts. To maintain your privacy, check your settings and change your passwords regularly. Learn more tips about digital privacy at thi​s website by NYC Hope.

    Legal Services

    • Community Legal Services: (602) 258-3434
    • Family Lawyers Assistance Project (FLAP): (602) 506-7948
    • Friendly House Immigration Attorney: (602) 416-7230
    • Maricopa County Bar Lawyer Referral Services: (602) 257-4434
    • Maricopa County Superior Court Self Service Center: (602) 506-7353
    • Never Again Foundation: (602) 761-2535
    Paint Phoenix Purple
    Paint Phoenix Purple is a local Domestic Violence awareness campaign brought to you by a collaboration of more than 50 community, private, and public organizations. Domestic Violence is a serious widespread and dangerous health and safety challenge in our community today. Displaying and wearing purple throughout October the community can come together to express a strong message there is no place for domestic violence in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, or workplaces.


    All content provided on this page is for informational purposes only. The City of Phoenix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this page or found by following any link on this page, with the exception of links to information hosted at Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and the City of Phoenix will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of this web page.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    See also:

    PHX Phoenix DepartmentPolice Recruitment

    PHX Fire Department

    PHX Human Services Department

    PHX Communications Office