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Donald R. Logan, ​Director      

Our Mission

To create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone is valued.  

Our Vision

To eliminate discrimination by fostering a spirit of caring, collaboration and commitment through fair and transparent services.   

Source of Income

The Equal Opportu​nity Department will begin enforcing the recent amendment to Chapter 18 of the City Code on April 6, 2023.  The amendment is designed to address housing discrimination against persons who receive various kinds of sources of income including but not limited to: child support, spousal support, foster care subsidies, rental assistance, security deposit or down payment assistance, income derived from social security or disability insurance, veterans’ benefits, Housing Choice (Section 8) vouchers, and other forms of governmental assistance.

The City of Phoenix is aware of the ongoing housing crisis and the struggles with finding affordable housing.  Although this new ordinance provides the Equal Opportunity Department with additional authority to protect City residents who face discrimination because of their source of income, it is designed to address a limited aspect of the current housing crisis - the barrier of housing discrimination that has adversely impacted many in the community. 

If you believe you have been a victim of discrimination because of your source of income, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, familial status, gender expression or gender identity, please click on the “Housing Discrimination” button below to begin the complaint process.  If you have additional questions, please call us at (602) 262-7486 or email us at contact.eod@phoenix.gov. 

Discrimination ​Complaint Questionnaires

Small Employer Employment DiscriminationPublic Accommodations DiscriminationCity of Phoenix Employee DiscriminationHousing Discrimination

Formularios para presentar quejas​

Discriminación laboral - pequeños empleadoresDiscriminación en lugares públicosDiscriminación de vivienda

Statements of Commitment

​​Statement of Commitment to Customers

Declaración de compromiso al clie​nte​​​


Contact Us​

Investigation of Discrimination Complaints: 602-262-7486
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance: 602-262-7486
Small & Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Certification: 602-262-6790
City and Federal Goals Compliance: 602-495-0887
Staff Support for Commissions:  602-534-1279
EOD is located at 200 W. Washington St., 15th Fl., Phoenix, 85003 

Voice:  602-262-7716, Fax:  602-534-1124, TTY: Use 7-1-1,  Email 


2019 Disability Awards and Recognition Event

The Mayor’s Commission on Disability Issues, Equal Opportunity Department and members of the disability community celebrated the 2019 Disability Awareness and Recognition event which honors individuals, organizations and businesses for their dedication to the disabled community.

Watch the videos of this year's award recipients here.


DBE and ACDBE Program Requirements During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency​​

​Supplemental Guidance.pdf


City Honored by Diversity Le​​​adership Alliance

The city of Phoenix received a Corporate Award from the Diversity Leadership Alliance for its commitment towards diversity and inclusion.  

The city's PHXRespect campaign creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.   

PHX Respect logo

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