Domestic Violence

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Coronavirus Update: Mask/Face Covering Optional

A mask or face covering is no longer required to enter the Phoenix Municipal Court Building, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103.

No se requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103.

If you have questions, would like to confirm a court date, or have an updated address or phone number, please contact the Phoenix City Prosecutor’s Office at 602-262-6461.

Si tiene preguntas, le gustaría confirmar una cita en la corte o cambiar su dirección o número de teléfono, comuníquese con la Oficina del Fiscal de Phoenix al 602-262-6461.

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Domestic Violence affects many people, and often victims don’t know about the criminal process, their rights, where to get help, or how to get questions answered.  On this page you will find links and information on what Domestic Violence is, how to get Resources & Referrals and Protective Orders and answers to Frequently Asked Domestic Violence Questions about the prosecution process, including what happens when a defendant is booked into jail, special rights of victims, restrictions on defendants with firearms, and more.

What is Domestic Violence?​

Domestic Violence is a crime.  Often, it is described as violence in the home but domestic violence includes many other offenses and relationships.  No one has the right to hit, threaten, or abuse you. Children are also hurt by seeing domestic violence. For more information on domestic violence go to the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence website.

Where can I get more information and resources about Domestic Violence?

How can I stay safe in my situation?

How can I get a Protective order?

If you have questions or want to speak with an Advocate call 602-261-8192 or contact Victim Services