

small birds near riverPhoenix is home to many species of protected native plants and animals, which are regulated under federal or state law, such as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Arizona Native Plant Law, and others. ​The Office of Environmental Programs provides compliance guidance and policy updates on federal and state wildlife regulations to city facilities, operations, and projects.

Related Links

USFWS Endangered Species Act Overview 

USFWS ESA Information for Planning and Consultation Tool 

USFWS Arizona Ecological Services 

USFWS Migratory Bird Treaty Act Overview 

USFWS Migratory Bird Treaty Act Protected Species List 

Arizona Game and Fish Department  

AGFD Online Environmental Review Tool​ 

AGFD Sensitive Species Lists 

AGFD HabiMapArizona​​

AGFD Burrowing Owl Management Guidelines 

AGFD Planning for Wildlife ​

AGFD Guidelines for Handling Sonoran Desert Tortoises Encountered on Development Projects​ 

small bird with eggs