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    Civil and Site Inspections

    Civil inspections include both off-site and on-site work.

    • Off-site work - in the public right-of-way such as paving , sidewalk, water, sewer, other utilities, concrete, driveways, fire lines, fire hydrants, storm drains, etc.
    • On-site work includes grading & drainage, storm drains, flood protection, erosion, retention, concrete/paving, drywells, and storm water.

    Likewise site inspections include both on-site and off-site work.

    • On-site work for zoning requirements like the amount of parking, landscaping, or shade required, building position, height and colors, view screening, ADA accessibility, etc.
    • Commercial projects include off-site and on-site permits.
    • Residential projects only have civil permits for off-site. See Residential Inspections for on-site work.

    Most civil and site work requires an approved plan before a permit can be issued. See Civil Plan Review or Site​ Plan Review for additional information.

    Some permits may be obtained without a plan, such as:

    • Driveways
    • Sewer services
    • Water services or relocations

    For information on construction requirements, see Civil Engineering Construction Inspection Checklist (PDF).

    Call the permit counter at 602-262-6551 for additional information.