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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Impact Fees

    Impact Fees are charged to fund costs associated with infrastructure and public services that need to be expanded as a direct result of new development in the growth areas of Phoenix, as defined in the General Plan. These growth areas require substantial investment and construction of capital facilities before or in conjunction with future development.

    Since not all areas have the same capital facility requirements, the growth areas are divided into separate fee areas, so that the fees charged in any one fee area pay only for infrastructure which provides a direct benefit to that particular fee area. For example: the Parks Impact Fee for Estrella South funds only parks in the Southwest service area. It does not fund parks in the Northern service areas, which are unlikely to be used on a regular basis by the residents of Estrella South. In addition, fees vary by use and size of development.​

    If you have additional questions regarding Impact Fees, please email​


    NOTICE: Permits purchased after April 13, 2020 may be subject to revised Development Impact Fees and Water Resources Acquisition Fees.

    Impact Fee Details

    To determine whether your development is in an ​area where Development Impact Fees are charged, and how much they will be, please visit the following links: