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    Camelback East Application Review Committee

    The Application Review Committee (ARC) is a subcommittee of the Camelback East Village Planning Committee. This subcommittee was formed under the direction of the Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan, Section 5.4.3, and its members are appointed by the Camelback East Village Planning Committee.

    The purpose of the ARC is to review development submittals within the Camelback East Primary Core for compliance with the Specific Plan's Design Guidelines.

    The ARC meets as needed, once it receives development proposal materials. The ARC may review and provide comments individually. The ARC may meet to discuss the proposal and determine comments. Meeting agendas are posted on the Public Meeting Notices page.

    This development review process is administered through the Planning & Development Department (P&D). Required materials are submitted to the Long Range team prior to, or concurrent with, the preliminary site plan submittal to P&D. Contact the Long Range team with the Planning and Development Department to determine whether this review process is required for a development proposal in the Camelback East Primary Core.

    The Camelback East Primary Core Specific Plan specifies that the ARC membership consist of a Camelback East Village Planning Committee member, a registered architect, a registered landscape architect, a representative with commercial interests in the Camelback East Primary Core and a representative of residential neighborhood interests who resides in the area of the core.

    For additional information, contact the Long Range team with the Planning and Devel​opment Department at 602-534-3753 or e-mail


    Barry Paceley

    Peter Drake

    Kim Kleski, Olsson Associates

    Jack Leonard, CREO Architects

    Scott Nelson, Westcor/Macerich


    Village Planning Committee Representative

    Residential Neighborhood Representative

    Registered Landscape Architect

    Registered Architect

    Representative with Commercial Interests in the Camelback East Primary Core