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    North 32nd Policy Plan

    ​​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

    The North 32nd Policy Plan was a citizen driven effort to improve the conditions along North 32nd Street.  The plan is a document that will help guide future development on North 32nd Street with regard to land use, transportation, infrastructure, community amenities and branding the corridor. The Corridor boundaries include the Phoenix Mountain Preserve to the South, Loop 101 to the North, 28th Street to the west, and 36th Street/State Route 51 to the east. The Corridor is approximately eight miles and runs from State Route 51 to the Loop 101 Freeway.  

    For many years, North 32nd Street was the main north-south transportation corridor in north central Phoenix. The completion of State Route 51 from Northern Avenue to the Loop 101 Freeway reduced vehicle use along the Corridor and demographic changes within neighborhoods adjacent to the freeway have impacted and changed the businesses and traffic characteristics of the area along North 32nd Street. Vacant commercial lots, dated buildings, signage, parking design, lack of bicycle lanes, decrepit landscaping, and under-capacity traffic are examples of the current status of North 32nd Street. Residents and businesses in the area are interested in revitalizing the land uses along North 32nd Street to upgrade the number and types of businesses by increasing visitation and to improve the amenities available for residents of the area.  

    Recognizing the deteriorating conditions along North 32nd Street, Councilman Jim Waring and former District 3 Councilman Bill Gates formed a coalition of area business leaders and residents to study and make recommendations about improving conditions along North 32nd Street. This coalition, the 32nd Street Working Group, began meeting in the spring of 2012 and formed three subcommittees (Public Transit/Street Improvements, Land Use Regulation, and Branding and Events) to focus on specific issues. The subcommittees (Public Transit/Street Improvements, Land Use Regulation, and Branding and Events) met several times and developed a number of recommendations and ideas to help improve the Corridor.  Reports related to North 32nd were provided by Arizona State University and the Urban Land Institute. After extensive public input and hearing process, the Phoenix City Council adopted the North 32nd Policy Plan on December 3, 2014.

    For further information regarding the North 32nd Policy Plan, please contact the Long Range Planning Team at​​ or 602-534-3753.


    View FINAL North 32nd Policy Plan - 8x11 - sized for the general public to print on a normal printer.

    View FINAL North 32nd Policy Plan - 11x17​ - best for viewing online and for printing the plan in its natural format.