North Mountain Redevelopment Area
The North Mountain Redevelopment Area (NMRA) is generally bounded by Interstate-17, 19th Avenue and 15th Avenue on the east; Cholla Street, Sahuaro and Peoria Avenues on the north; 35th Avenue on the west; and Butler, Alice and the Arizona Canal on the south.
The North Mountain Redevelopment Area Plan was created as a result of a call for action by the Phoenix City Council and community members to revitalize the area. City staff determined through the North Mountain Redevelopment Study that the area met the statutory requirements to declare this area blighted and establish a redevelopment area pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 36-1471. Please see this link to view the North Mountain Redevelopment Study Area. On February 20, 2013 through Resolution 21112 the Phoenix City Council approved the creation of the redevelopment area. Upon establishment of the redevelopment area, the City may assist residents, property owners and business groups to apply for grants and other funding mechanisms to help eliminate blight. This plan outlines a set of goals and strategies for everything from land uses, improved infrastructure, public transportation, and other items of concern based upon input during the planning process.
On March 19, 2014 the Phoenix City Council unanimously approved the North Mountain Redevelopment Area Plan. North Mountain Redevelopment Area Plan Adopted Resolution 21207
This is only a study and the city is NOT proposing to utilize any condemnation powers to acquire private property for any economic redevelopment purpose.
North Mountain Redevelopment Area Boundary Map
North Mountain Redevelopment Area Plan
North Mountain Redevelopment Area Plan Appendix A
For further information please contact Nick Klimek at 602-534-7696 or