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    Planning Publications, Plans and Studies

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Planning Publications

    Below is a list of publications currently available from the Planning & Zoning Division. Availability of original publications may be limited due to stock. However, black and white reproductions of these publications can be purchased at $0.19 per page, except as noted. Documents are in PDF format.

    How do I get a printed copy of a publication?

    Contact us at or 602-262-6882.

    Area Plans
    Corridor Studies / Corridor Plans
    ​Design Guidelines
    Freeway Specific Plans
    Land Use Plans  / Land Use Studies
    Master Plans
    Neighborhood Conservation Plan / 
    Neighborhood Plans
    Overlay Districts
    Projects / Studies
    • Downtown Phoenix Urban Form Project - 2008

    Chapter 1 - Vision for Downtown

    Chapter 2 - The Connected Oasis: "The Big Idea"

    Chapter 3 - Downtown Character Areas

    Chapter 4 - Sustainable Development in a Desert Climate

    Chapter 5 - Circulation and Parking Plan

    Chapter 6 - Zoning and Urban Form Standards

    Chapter 7 - Implementation Plan: Achieving the Vision



    Redevelopment Plans
    Special Planning Districts
    Specific Plans
    Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
    Village Brochures
    Village Core Plans
    Village Plans​
    Studies and Land Use Plans
    ​Arts, Culture and Small Business Overlay Expansion:

    The overlay language and initial mapping for the Arts, Culture and Small Business Overlay District was approved by City Council on April 2, 2008. City Council approved the first expansion of the overlay district on April 7, 2010. The overlay may be applicable to land bounded by the Interstate 10 Inner Loop (Papago Freeway) on the north, 20th Street to the east, Buckeye Road to the south and 19th Avenue to the west. Properties currently included are generally along Roosevelt Street from 13th Street to 7th Avenue, then south along the west side of 7th Avenue to Grand Avenue, and then northwest on Grand Avenue to Interstate 10 (see map linked below). Parcels located within the specified boundaries are eligible for the Arts, Culture and Small Business Overlay subject to approval by the City Council through the rezoning process. Major benefits of the overlay include adaptive reuse opportunities for small businesses.  The overlay provides greater flexibility and relief from ordinance standards to encourage adaptive reuse. The grouping of parcels within the applicable area, provides a more contiguous application of the overlay to allow for continuity and to simplify enforceability. Conversely, the strength of the overlay could be diluted if isolated parcels are included. Additional properties within the applicable area may be considered for inclusion: where there is support from the property owners, and the parcels are adjacent to areas already zoned with the overlay. Although expansion of the overlay to properties within the boundaries, but not adjacent to parcels already zoned with the overlay, may be approved in the future, generally this is not recommended. 

    Maryvale Village Core Urban Design Plan: 

    In collaboration with the West Phoenix Revitalization Area (WPRA) Advisory Board, Cricket Pavilion Task Force and Maryvale Village Planning Committee, City of Phoenix Planning staff prepared a plan for the Maryvale Village Core. The core is to be the most vibrant, diverse and interactive environment of a village. The purpose of the core plan is to provide guidance and to create policy that promotes new development, reflecting: A strong sense of the Maryvale community, culture and heritage; a wide range of uses - parks, retail, office, markets and public spaces; amenities such as shade, landscaping, street furniture and signage; pedestrian connectivity between housing, employment, services and transportation; and a destination that attracts residents and visitors throughout the year​. The Maryvale Village Core is located approximately eight miles west of Downtown Phoenix. The study area is approximately one square mile bounded generally on the north by Thomas Road, on the east by 75th Avenue, on the south by McDowell Road, and on the west by 83rd Avenue.

    North Mountain Industrial/Commercial Area Study:

    Staff initiated this study due to development activities in the area generally bounded by 7th Avenue, Cholla Avenue, and the Arizona Canal Diversion Channel (ACDC). The study inventoried the assets in the broader community and then explored opportunities for improvement in a smaller focus area bounded by 19th Avenue, Cholla Avenue and the ACDC. The focus area is zoned for industrial and commercial uses. Staff prepared a study document that includes input from both property and business owners within the focus area. An online survey was conducted and a meeting was held to gather feedback. The study document was presented to the North Mountain Village Planning Committee (VPC) and was reviewed by the Planning Commission.

    Reinvent ​PHX​
    Rio Salado Beyond the Banks Project​: 

    The purpose of the Rio Salado Beyond the Banks Area Plan is to protect the investment in the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Project and to maximize the long-term benefits to the community while increasing the potential value of the properties adjacent to the river. 

    Rio Salado Redevelopment Area Study
    Rio Salado Redevelopment Area Study Map