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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    National Community Planning Month

    National Community Planning Logo

    National Community Planning Month is Here!

    All month long we're celebrating the lasting value that thoughtful and innovative planning has for the City of Phoenix. Get to know the planners in your community; learn about the local planning initiatives underway; and maybe even attend your first planning-related meeting, like a Village Planning Committee meeting.

    General Plan

    What is Planning?

    Planning shapes cities, towns, and regions and works with communities to help determine how they will grow and adjust to change. Planning creates the vision for the community, identifies current opportunities, analyzes trends engages community members and sets the framework for growth and change.​

    The City of Phoe​nix General Plan is the long-range guide for the city, and addresses issues such as energy, housing, neighborhoods, public facilities, natural resources, transportation and land use. See more information on the Phoenix General Plan

    VPC Community Meeting

    Who are Planners?

    A planner partners with the community to help them continue to be great places to live, work, grow up, and play. They help decide what kinds of buildings should go where, where new parks or public transit might be needed, and what areas in the community are in need of changes to have them thrive.

    The City of Phoenix has a number of planners that work with the community to create a vibrant city. Our planners assist with long-range planni​ng, site plan review, historic preservation, transit, and more!

    This month on our social media accounts, we will highlight some of our planners who you may have seen around City Hall or at a community meeting. 

    Get Involved
    • Learn more about Planning and Zoning in the City of Phoenix by watching our video series.
    • Attend your Village Planning Committee meeting this month! Find out which Village you live in​.
    • Visit the City of Phoenix Planning and Development homepage,,  to learn more about how the City is planning the future of our community.
    • Follow us on Twitter @BuildingPHX and Facebook (PhoenixPlanAndDev) to stay connected this month.
    • Use the hashtag #PlanPHX to highlight examples of great places and development around your neighborhood!
    Character Plans