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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Stormwater Management Program

    The Stormwater Management Section (SWM) works in cooperation with other City departments to coordinate the City's stormwater management program and maintain compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.

    Making Sure There is "Only Rain in the Storm Drain"  

    Stormwater Managment Program staff inspects industrial and commercial facilities for compliance with Phoenix City Code Chapter 32C, investigates illicit discharges to the storm drain system, conducts wet-weather monitoring, and conducts public outreach.  The Street Transportation Department is responsible for maintenance of storm drains and washes, cleaning the streets and catch basins, as well as creating maps of the City's storm drain system. The Planning and Development Department monitors construction sites for stormwater compliance. Public Works implements the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program and works with Keep Phoenix Beautiful to conduct environmental education and outreach programs. The Office of Environmental Programs coordinates city employee training and evaluates City facilities and construction activities for compliance with stormwater requirements. 

    Contact Us 

    If you are interested in additional information, have questions, or see illegal dumping, contact the City of Phoenix's Stormwater Management Program staff.  

    Stormwater Hotline: (602) 256-3190 or email​​. 

    Take the Stormwater Awareness Survey

    Stormwater can pick up pollutants such as oil or trash and pollutes our rivers, washes, and parks. Your simple everyday actions can make a huge difference and improve stormwater quality and our environment. 

    The City of Phoenix invites you to help reduce stormwater pollution by participating in the 2025 Stormwater Awareness Survey to help us understand current levels of stormwater knowledge.

    Stormwater Documents 

    Educational Materials Available at Stormwater Outreach