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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Maryvale Estrella Mountain Precinct

    Maryvale Estrella Mountain Precinct Building

    Maryvale Estrella Mountain Precinct is approximately 75.82 square miles in the southwest portion of the City of Phoenix. The precinct is large and diverse but also extremely active and engaged. We will continue to work with the community in order to provide a environment where our citizens feel safe and empowered in their neighborhoods. ​

    Precinct Information

    Maryvale Precinct
    6180 W. Encanto Blvd.
    Phoenix, AZ 85035
    Main Number: 602-495-5008
    Fax Number: 602-534-1530

    Estrella Mountain Substation
    2111 S. 99th Ave.
    Tolleson, AZ 85353
    Main Number: 602-495-5003
    Fax Number: 602-495-0725

    Administrative Sergeant
    Sergeant Ashley Ohrn #8112

    Commander David Saflar