Police Commendations and Complaints
How to Commend a Police Employee
When you have experienced service from our department you feel is worthy of commendation, we would like to hear about it. At the bottom of this page is a link to a form you may fill out and submit to let our employee know that what he or she did is appreciated. Or, you may call the Police Chief's Office at 602-262-6747. Please include all the details you can remember such as the employee's name, the date, time and the circumstances of the incident.
How Should You File a Complaint?
You should immediately bring your complaint to the attention of the Department by either requesting a supervisor at the scene of the incident or by calling the police non-emergency telephone number at 602-262-6151. A police supervisor will be notified of the complaint and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
During daytime hours, complaints may be directed to the Professional Standards Bureau (602-262-4580). Or, at the bottom of this page is a form you may fill out and submit with your complaint. Include all details you remember, such as the employee's name, the date, time and circumstances of the incident.
How Will Your Complaint Be Investigated?
Once the complaint is received, it will be assigned to an investigator for fact-finding purposes. If the complaint can be handled by the field, the investigator will forward the complaint to the appropriate field supervisor.
If the complaint warrants an investigation by the Professional Standards Bureau your case will be assigned to an investigative sergeant. During the investigation, you, the employee and all witnesses will be interviewed. Additionally, physical evidence will be examined and photographs taken, if applicable.
If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, appropriate action will be taken. In cases of serious misconduct, the investigation will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) comprised of citizens, peer employees and police commanders. The DRB recommends appropriate action to the Police Chief who makes the final determination regarding discipline. Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator will send you a letter detailing the results of the investigation.
The following presentation, intended to accompany a verbal staff presentation for community groups, provides an overview of the Professional Standards Bureau and complaint process. PDF Presentation: Professional Standards Bureau Overview.
What if You Are Not Satisfied With the Results of the Investigation?
The Department hopes that this will not happen. However, you may contact any of the following offices.
- Police Chief's Office 602-262-6747
- City Manager's Office 602-262-6941
- City Council Office 602-262-7029
- Mayor's Office 602-262-7111
- Equal Opportunity Department 602-262-7486
- Upon request, the Police Department will make this publication available through appropriate aids or services to accommodate an individual with a disability by calling at voice telephone 602-262-6461 or TTY City Relay 602-534-5500.
Responsibility: Ours and Yours
The Phoenix Police Department takes all citizen complaints against our employees seriously. It is our responsibility to actively pursue investigations into employee misconduct. For this reason, you have the responsibility to ensure that your complaint is based on fact and that you have provided us with all of these facts to the best of your ability.
Per state law, Arizona Revised Statutes 38-1120, effective September 29, 2021, before an Arizona law enforcement agency accepts a complaint made against a peace officer, the law enforcement agency must provide the person making the complaint with the following mandatory notice:
“Pursuant to section 13-2907.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, it is a class 1 misdemeanor to knowingly make to a law enforcement agency a false, fraudulent or unfounded report or statement or to knowingly misrepresent a fact for the purpose of interfering with the orderly operation of a law enforcement agency or misleading a peace officer.”
To ensure we comply with state law, supervisors and other department personnel accepting complaints against sworn staff must provide the above stated notice to the complainant(s). When possible, this notice should be captured on body worn camera or during audio recorded interviews with complainant(s), and will be included in any administrative investigation.
If there are any questions, please contact the Professional Standards Bureau at 602-262-4580.
You can commend an officer or file a complaint online here.