The following information below provides answers to Frequently asked questions regarding the tow of your vehicle.
For Vehicle Impound information, visit Vehicle Impound
The City of Phoenix maintains towing contracts to facilitate the safe, expeditious removal of vehicles from city streets. We maintain this contract to help clear the road quickly and safely for other commuters as well as create a safe place to store your vehicle until you can make arrangements to retrieve it.
The following information below provides answers to Frequently asked questions regarding the tow of your vehicle.
For Vehicle Impound information, visit Vehicle Impound
What do I do if my car was towed by a City of Phoenix contract tow company?
1. Contact the tow company to determine which lot they have stored your vehicle.
a. Request the total bill amount from the tow company.
b. Determine if your car has a mandatory impoundment period.
2. If there is no hold on the vehicle, you will need the following documentation:
a. Your title or registration to prove ownership.
i. If this is inside the stored vehicle, you will be allowed to retrieve it.
b. If a person other than the registered owner is retrieving the vehicle, that person will need the following documentation.
i. An official government photo ID.
ii. A written and signed statement from the registered owner granting permission for the named individual to retrieve the vehicle.
iii. A photo copy of the registered owner’s official government photo ID.
iv. A valid Driver License.
v. Payment by one of the accepted methods of payment.
3. Request a tow truck or necessary equipment to tow your vehicle away if not drivable.
4. Working on your vehicle at the tow lot is strictly prohibited.
What do I do if my car has a mandatory impoundment period?
1. Do NOT contact the contract tow company.
2. Contact the City of Phoenix Public Records and Services Unit to request release information at 602 495-2096. If you are disputing the validity of the impoundment of your vehicle, you may request a Post Storage Hearing.
3. If you receive a vehicle release form from the City of Phoenix Public Records and Services Unit:
4. Contact the tow company to determine which lot they have stored your vehicle.
5. The following documentation will need to be presented:
A. Your title or registration to prove ownership.
i. If these documents are inside the stored vehicle, you will be allowed to retrieve it.
B. If a person other than the registered owner is retrieving the vehicle, that person will need the following documentation.
i. An official government photo ID.
ii. A written and signed statement from the registered owner granting permission for the named individual to retrieve the vehicle.
iii. A photo copy of the registered owner’s official government photo ID.
iv. A valid Driver License.
v. Payment by one of the accepted methods of payment.
6. Working on your vehicle at the tow lot is strictly prohibited.
What do I do if the contract tow company has damaged my vehicle?
1. Bring the issue to the tow company employee’s attention immediately before taking possession of your vehicle.
2. Pay all required fees, obtain a detailed receipt, and retrieve your vehicle to eliminate any additional fees.
3. Take photos of the vehicle and damage immediately.
4. Document the date, time, and names of all company representatives you speak with.
5. Contact a tow company supervisor and discuss resolutions.
6. Document any actions taken by the tow company.
7. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the tow company, contact the Tow Contract Liaison Officer in writing using the Tow Complaint Form and include copies of receipts and photos:
Public Records and Services Unit/Vehicle Impounds
Tow Contract Liaison
1717 East Grant St. Suite#100
Phoenix, AZ 85034
8. This complaint process does not substitute or eliminate your right or obligation to seek legal action.
What do I do if the contract tow company is overcharging me?
1. Please refer to the current Fee schedule on this page.
2. Bring the overcharge to the attention of the tow company employee.
3. Document date, time, and employee you spoke with.
4. Speak to the tow company supervisor about the over charge.
5. If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact the Tow Contract Liaison Officer in writing using the Tow Contract Complaint Form and include copies of receipts:
Public Records and Services Unit/Vehicle Impounds
Tow Contract Liaison
1717 East Grant St. Suite#100
Phoenix, AZ 85034
What if my car was towed because it was considered abandoned?
1. If you do not claim your vehicle within ten (10) days of the available release date, the towing company may file for an abandoned title to the vehicle.
2. This is permitted under ARS Title 28 Chapter 11: Abandoned, Seized and Junk Vehicles.
3. You are responsible for all tow and storage charges associated with the impoundment if you retain ownership of the vehicle.
4. If you feel your vehicle was not towed legally, you may request a Post Storage Hearing. Within ten (10) days from the date of the enclosed vehicle impoundment notice.
What if the tow company refuses to release my vehicle?
1. The tow company can hold your vehicle until the satisfactory payment has been made if the tow was ordered by the police.
2. If the tow was NOT ordered by the police, per PCC 36-144 E. the tow company can hold your vehicle UNLESS you provide them with your driver license or other RELIABLE means of identification to assist in the billing and collection of towing and storage charges.
3. If you comply with the requirements of PCC 36-144 E and the tow company still refuses to release your vehicle, call crime stop at 602-262-6151.
4. Once the situation is resolved and a violation did occur, fill out a Tow Company Complaint Form to document the incident.
When can I request a Post Storage Hearing?
1. If the Phoenix Police ordered your vehicle to be towed, and you believe the tow was not lawful, you may request a Post Storage Hearing within ten (10) days from the date of the enclosed vehicle impoundment notice.
2.If your vehicle was impounded under ARS 28-3511 or Phoenix City Code.
3. To request a Post Storage Hearing fill out the Hearing Request Form online or contact:
Public Records and Services Unit/Vehicle Impounds
1717 East Grant St. Suite#100
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Notice of Right to Post Storage Hearing Request Form
Other Questions or Concerns
If you have a question or concern that was not covered in this web site, contact:
Public Records and Services Unit/Vehicle Impounds
Tow Contract Liaison
1717 East Grant St. Suite#100
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Storage lot hours (required by contract) are 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday and none on Sunday, except specified Phoenix holidays (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day).
An after hour rate $75.00 will apply; for specific information see the Contract Towing Information.
Payment Options & Tow Fees
We require our towing contractors to accept the following forms of payment provided you have the proper credentials:
Fee Schedule
Click here for specific fee rates
Tow Level is based on the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of a vehicle.
Level 2 tow is the removal of property (including vehicles, et cetera) from a pool, lake, building, off-road where the tow truck can't drive to it, a rolled over vehicle, et cetera. The tow company will need to photograph the special circumstance and receive written police authorization for the level 2 tow on the tow invoice.
Abandoned tows are tows that involve abandoned vehicles defined in 28-4801 through 28-4884. The owner of the vehicle is responsible to pay the standard tow rate and all other applicable fees (such as storage) before they can take possession of their vehicle from the tow company.
*Vehicles impounded pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-3511 shall not exceed $25 per storage, and vehicles impounded pursuant to Phoenix City Code 23-55 shall not exceed the statutory limit of $15.00 per day for storage.*