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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Estrella Village Planning Committee


    Over the past 50 years, Estrella Village developed as a major hub for industrial, commercial and agricultural activities in Phoenix. The majority of the northern portion of the Village comprises a MAG designated major employment center and is home to numerous warehousing, transportation, logistics, shipping and other businesses.

    In recent years, the redevelopment of agricultural and vacant land has led to a greater diversity of land uses, including a growing number of quality residential communities and commercial centers that complement and balance the concentration of industrial uses along I-10. The Estrella Village also contains established neighborhoods that contribute a historic character to the area, but may be in need of rehabilitation assistance and greater stability.

    The Village also possesses an ample supply of undeveloped land, large parcels with commercial and industrial entitlements, natural and scenic amenities, and access to major transportation corridors. Estrella is also anticipating the Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway and I-10 West Light Rail extension. Opportunities abound for further development and enhancements to the diverse communities in the Estrella Village.

    Meetings: Get Involved!

    The Estrella Village Planning Committee generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:15​ p.m. at the Fowler Elementary School District, 1617 S. 67th Avenue.

    Please consult the public meeting notices page for an Agenda to confirm that the meeting will occur. See also the Annual VPC Meeting Schedule or find a VPC Contact.

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