​​​​​​​​​North Mountain headerNorth Mountain header ​​

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North Mountain ​

North Mountain Village contains a diverse mix of residential neighborhoods and housing types including the established central corridor areas, neighborhoods in the foothills of the Phoenix Mountains, and suburban neighborhoods near the Metrocenter village core.

The community is attractive to families with several high-quality schools and universities. Recreational opportunities are nearby with neighborhood parks, canal paths, and direct access to the Phoenix Mountain Preserve system.

Meetings: Get Involved!

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The North Mountain Village Planning Committee generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Sunnyslope Community Center, Multi-Purpose Room, 802 E. Vogel Avenue​.

Please consult the public meeting notices page for an Agenda to confirm that the meeting will occur. See also the Annual VPC Meeting Schedule (PDF) or find a VPC Contact.

Phoenix General PlanPhoenix Zoning OrdinanceTransit-Oriented Development (TOD) ReportsNorth Mountain Redevelopment AreaMy Community Map ​​​​​​